Failing The Artist's Way - Week 1


My writing group is doing The Artist's Way for the next 12 weeks and so far I am failing. The first order of business is to write "morning papers" which was no problem last week when the kids were off of school. This week, now that we have to get up at the crack of dawn, I am in no state to see, let alone write at 5:30am. Writing later in the morning seems to defeat the purpose which is to unload all those dumb things that bounce around your brain at night – the emails you still have to return, the checks you forgot to write, the things you need at the grocery store, what someone really meant by what they said at a party three weeks before... You get all this off your chest and that leaves you free to let come those creative juices.

OK, so fail. I need to find another time besides in bed to write my morning papers. Do they still work if I write them at 2:30 in the afternoon?

Next, I am meant to have an "Artist's Date," whereby I go out and get inspired. Art gallery, cool bookstore, museum. I was inspired at the shoe-repair shop yesterday. All those poor wads of leather crammed around the shop looking forlorn. It's possible that I mistook the intoxicating smell of glue for inspiration. I do go to a coffee shop every Friday morning and sit with a die-hard group of writers and write. There, I am usually inspired. OK, so one point there. But wait, these excursions are meant to be done solo. Shoot. OK, scratch that. So really, it’s about claiming time for oneself. To find adventures. I do take myself to a movie from time to time. I walk the dog. I am thinking of doing another writing retreat. Surely these things count. I'm going to go ahead and give myself a half a point.

These things are simply the basic tools. Now comes Week 1. I am meant to record my negative "blurts" from my morning papers and convert them into positive affirmations. Uh. Well, OK. Gotta get that morning paper thing down. I need to "time travel" and write down the things that have blocked my creativity, and the things/people who have nurtured it. And then I am meant to take a twenty minute walk.

Oh, good. I need to walk the dog.

And so here's what I find myself asking myself:

Is it possible that I am already living "The Artist's Way"? Maybe, I tell myself. But maybe there is something to be said for following along, finding a way of getting those morning papers written, going on dates with myself.

OK, so I am declaring my intention to make a commitment to The Artist's Way here and now. Each week, for the next 12 weeks, I will write a post about my experiences.

Would anyone care to join along? Tell us your experiences in the comments.

Ready, set, go!


Failing the Artist's Way - Week 2


Cremation Jewelry? Did I Miss Something?