Camp Widow

Beach Bash

Beach Bash

Camp Widow 2010

Camp Widow 2010

Amidst day-long waits at DMV, ER rooms and plastic surgeons and then later the doctor's office for stitches removal, Norman Rockwell-esque Beach Bashes, college tours and block parties there hasn't been a whole lot of time for my blog. I suppose in a way that's a good sign that my life is fulfilling and action-packed. But I still feel harried without my little routines. My life in the summer takes back seat to the lives of my kids as I cook and clean and transport. I know I'm not alone.

Which is why I'm looking forward to my mini-break at Camp Widow. I know it sounds like a place where you have to walk around with a hundred hankies tucked into your pocket, but truly, I have never been to a place with a collection of more positive, awake, forward thinking people in my life. It's amazing the power that coming face to face with death has in teaching what it really means to live. The friendships formed at Camp Widow are deep and lasting. People feel safe enough to laugh and cry and everyone understands if things get messy and have the right words of comfort.

I am honored this year to be teaching an intensive workshop on tapping into the power that is grief, harvesting this amazing, awakened state, seeing the light at the end of the tunnel of sadness and despair. The hardest part of my engagement will be to keep it within its 2 hour time allotment. I can't wait to see the look in the faces of people who take my workshop, that look that says, "Oh! I hadn't really every thought of grief like that before!"I can't wait to see all my friends again, and to meeting many of you for the first time. I am told there is still space if you decide at the last minute to come. I can assure you, its a life changing experience.

Check it out here:


Twelve Years. Where does time go?


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